Visual Sense: Pink Tower
10 Pink wooden cubes Differing in 3 Dimensions ( Length, breath and height)
Largest cube is 10 cm cubed and the smallest is 1 cm cubed
Direct Aim
Visual discrimination of difference - 3 dimensions
Indirect Aim
Preparation for Mathematics; movement of 10 - size - volume
Muscular education of grip
Refinement of the voluntary movement- place the brick directly on top of each other.
Starting at 3yr after lots of practical life
How to hold
Hold the cube with one hand, grasping firmly from the top, thumb one side and fingers on the opposite side. Place the left hand out flat and directly below, with out touching the cube.
Show the child how to pick up the smallest cube and then offer the child to pick up the next cube. Both you and the child walk directly to the mat. Repeat until all 10 cubes are on the mat at random.
Isolate the largest cube, by placing it in the space on the left side of you mat
Look for the next largest cube and place it from above, precisely and careful in the centre of the larger cube, in one movement.
Continue in this way till the tower is completed.
Occasionally compare the size of 2 similar cubes. Also occasionally visually studying all cubes to see which one you think will be next.
Invite the child to stand up and look at the pink tower from above and then from each side.
Dismantle the tower, by taking the cubes down one at a time.
Invite the child to build the Pink Tower.
Once you see the child is finishing or losing interest show them how to put the prism away in the same way as you took them out.
roll up the mat and put it away.
The child activity is as shown in the presentation.
Showing the child the unit of difference.
Place cubes one at a time on the mat at random.
Isolate the largest cube and place the next one on top, so that two sides are exactly in line with the first cube.
Continue to build the pink tower in this way until completed.
Occasionally run your hand up the side of the tower to show that it is flush.
Invite the child to look at the pink tower from above and each side.
Take the smallest cube and place it along the ledge of each successive cube/layer
Dismantle the tower, by taking the cubs down one at a time and then invite the child to build the pink tower.
Control of Error
The child visual prospective.
Game 1 - building at a distance
Take 2 mats and place them on the opposite side of your room.
Put all the cubes on one of the mats.
Find the largest cube and carry it to the other mat.
Continue in this way until the tower is built on the other mat.
This game can be started together and then the child can continue on their own
Game 2a - Large and small
Take 2 mats and place them on the opposite side of your room.
Put all the cubes on one of the mats.
Find the largest cube and carry it to the other mat.
Ask the child to find a cube that is smaller than the cube on the mat
When the child brings you a different cube place it on the mat next to the largest cube and compare.
Move the largest cube to the side of the mat so the other cube is only in view.
Ask the child to find a cube that is smaller that the one on the mat.
Continue in this way asking for either a larger or a smaller cube each time.
Game 2b - play in the same way as Game 2a, but using the language Just larger and Just smaller
The following language is offered by means of the three-period lesson. Once the child has had a good experience with that cubes:
Large - Small
Comparatives and superlatives; Larger- largest - smaller-smallest